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Tiffany’s Take: Effortless Part 2

By Tiffany A. Potter Update: Ah ha! Holy hell I found it! Last month, I wrote about the word and the concept of effortless. I then fell down the rabbit hole in thinking about what, if anything, was [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air: Dust

By Tom Frantz No one living in the San Joaquin Valley is shocked to see a film of dust on their car the day after a wash. In this valley, we have a serious and health damaging dust problem. And this [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: Effortless

By Tiffany A. Potter Confession: There are times when my column is birthed out of one word. A seemingly simple, yet wildly profound, word that forces me inward while simultaneously bringing up [...] Continue Reading

Oh, the Questions…

By Tiffany A. Potter I’ve mentioned many times before that I am a seeker, a ponderer extraordinaire. I am a lifelong learner, infinitely curious about all things. I am someone who spends what free [...] Continue Reading

Freedom School Scrapbook

By Floyd D. Harris  Freedom School Goes to the Mountains One year ago, May 29, 2016, Rev. Floyd D. Harris took the Freedom School students to Big Tree State Park at Grant Grove in the Sierra [...] Continue Reading