Arts & Culture

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Book Review: Border Patrol Nation

By David E. Roy The title of the book Border Patrol Nation, written by Todd Miller and just published, is an apt description of what has happened since 9/11, most of it out of view. Here are a few [...] Continue Reading

Poetry Corner – August 2014

Edited by Richard Stone This month, we have two poems written by John Auer. I met John early in my sojourn in Fresno, in his then-capacity as minister of Sierra Vista Methodist Church, and I was [...] Continue Reading

Poetry Corner

Edited by Richard Stone Ebony Monique Easter is a survivor of child abuse and psychiatric abuse. This piece is a reflection on the periodic perception of herself as a result of these traumas she has [...] Continue Reading

Shared Humanity

By Faith in Community There has been much press about the lists on which Fresno appears. Many of our neighborhoods suffer from the nation’s worst concentrated poverty and are most at risk in [...] Continue Reading

What’s News?

See your name in print! In this new feature, edited by Richard Stone, we will publish several reader-written responses to each month’s question. Responses should be no more than 150 words and sent to [...] Continue Reading

The Barrio Art Collective Manifesto

Editor’s note: This is a public service announcement from the Barrio Art Collective, which is dedicated to all of the people in the struggle in the barrios, alleys and marginalized areas in Fresno and [...] Continue Reading