
By Month

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Ban on Brain-Harming Chlorpyrifos

By Angel Garcia and Nayamin Martinez On Aug. 9, a federal judge at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt a nationwide ban of the [...] Continue Reading

Urgent Forestry Report

By Jemmy Bluestein This is an urgent proposal regarding the protection of forests in California and beyond based on my own 50 years of forestry experience. Since the killing/removal of the native [...] Continue Reading

A Nightmare from Immigration to Tariffs

By Ruth Gadebusch Who would have thought the immigration fiasco would still be festering. And fiasco is the mildest name we could designate! Congress has had ample time to fix it but continues to let [...] Continue Reading

Community Activism Delivers

By Vic Bedoian Will Arvin’s new oil ordinance translate into environmental justice gains in other hard-hit San Joaquin Valley towns? Juan Flores, a Delano-based community organizer with the Center on [...] Continue Reading