A mural prepared by the Leave No One Behind Mural Coalition was unveiled March 28 in Homerun Alley, behind the 3 Hermanos Company store that has its storefront at 927 Fulton Street. The mural [...] Continue Reading
The Virus of Anti-Asian Racism
By Vanna Nauk and Gaonoucci Belle Vang The South Korean film Parasite made Oscar history when it became the first non-English film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture, and the K-pop [...] Continue Reading
Climate Change – Special Section
The Community Alliance newspaper will print a special section on climate change in April 2021. Climate activist Kevin Hall is putting together articles, photos and other illustrations because, [...] Continue Reading
Activist Scholarship: Against the Devil
By Daniel O’Connell The Devil’s Fruit: Farmworkers, Health and Environmental Justice by Dvera I. Saxton. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, Paperback, $34.95. Although many of us are [...] Continue Reading
Death, Corruption and Ideology
The community was recently outraged by streaming video of unhoused people being put out in the cold rain on the streets of Fresno as part of the city’s Project Freeway Off-Ramp. Fresno Mayor Jerry [...] Continue Reading
Housing, not Handcuffs
The City of Fresno has a long history of treating homeless people with contempt. Forcing them to move on (with nowhere to go), taking their property and sometimes arresting them for not moving along [...] Continue Reading
Organizing for Healthcare for All in the Time of Covid
By Lynn Jacobsson Here we are in 2021, still in “The Time of COVID,” when the need for guaranteed healthcare for all Americans is more critical than ever as the coronavirus pandemic has spread [...] Continue Reading
The Struggles Continue for Immigrant Women
By Myrna Martinez Nateras Without a doubt, 2020 was an unprecedented year, not only because of the first pandemic of the 21st century but also because of the U.S. election in which the popular vote [...] Continue Reading
Push for Legalization of Essential Workers in Covid Relief Bill
By Sunita Sohrabji Rep. Raul Ruiz (D–Palm Desert) joined several immigration advocates on Feb. 16 to push for an immediate path to legalization for more than 5 million undocumented essential [...] Continue Reading
Exploitation or Dignity for Migrant Farmworker Families?
By David Bacon (Editor’s note: This article summarizes the conclusions of a report by the Oakland Institute, Exploitation or Dignity: What Future for Migrant Farmworker Families in the United [...] Continue Reading
Climate Change: National, State and Local Not on the Same Page
By Nayamin Martinez The Biden administration took two early measures to fulfill its campaign commitments to address climate change: 1) The United States rejoined the Paris Agreement, and 2) the [...] Continue Reading
Welcome Baskets for Crossroads Village Residents
By Beverly Fitzpatrick On Dec. 29, volunteers from Wings Advocacy Fresno (Wings) participated in a special project, providing 165 welcome baskets to those moving, at the beginning of the new year, [...] Continue Reading