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  • Bob McCloskey

    Bob McCloskey is an activist and a reporter for the Community Alliance newspaper. Contact him at

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  • Morghan Vélez Young

    Morghan Vélez Young, Ph.D., is an educator and researcher focused on transformative opportunities for those involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. She consults and trains through and lectures in the Anthropology Department at Fresno State. Contact her at

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College Students with Criminal Records

In my recent study of California college students with criminal records (CSCR), we are invited to bear witness to one way that decolonizing practices can unfold in higher education institutions. In [...] Continue Reading

Punishing Children

Institutions have and will continue to fail on multiple levels no matter the mission statement. This is related to our institutions having been designed within the confines of the U.S. cultural [...] Continue Reading

Parole Punishes Everyone

By Jaime Leyva and Morghan Vélez Young Exploring the punishment of parole in the United States allows us to identify the ways that the design of parole serves as an arm of the cultural fixation [...] Continue Reading

Decolonizing Public Safety

Exploring Punishment By Morghan Vélez Young (Editor’s note: “Exploring Punishment” is a new series about the U.S. fixation with punishment that will journey beyond explorations of jails and [...] Continue Reading