Vote Like There Is No Tomorrow Literally. This election isn’t just about certain candidates. It’s about extreme right-wing operators taking over the country, following the Trump agenda. With the [...] Continue Reading
The Enemy Within When Racists Are Your Own People
In early October, during so-called Hispanic Heritage Month, the Reddit Internet account released an audio file in which four Latinos can be heard making racist remarks about indigenous immigrants from [...] Continue Reading
Somos Nuestros Propios Enemigos, Cuando Los Racistas Son Tu Propia Gente
A principios de octubre, durante el llamado Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la cuenta de Internet Reddit difundió un audio en el que se puede escuchar a cuatro latinos haciendo comentarios racistas sobre [...] Continue Reading
The Nazi Ideology, the Past Is Back
When we think about Nazism, we normally think about something from the past, something that happened in Germany from 1933 to 1945. We think about an oppressive government that murdered millions of [...] Continue Reading
Nuevo Refuerzo Contra Covid 19 Trae Más Seguridad
Covid 19 sigue entre nosotros, aunque gracias al mayor nivel de vacunación, los contagios han disminuido y también las muertes e internaciones hospitalarias. Sin embargo, los especialistas recomiendan [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Is Our Democracy Working? President Biden finally decided to help millions of college graduates stranded by thousands of dollars in debt. Those who owe money they borrowed to pursue an education [...] Continue Reading
Covid 19 Sigue Entre Nosotros, ¿Ya Vacunó a Su Niño?
Finalmente, el gobierno autorizó la aplicación de vacunas contra el Covid 19 para niños de seis meses en adelante. Esto ayudaría a controlar la propagación de este virus y sus peligrosas [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Back to the Dark Ages: Roe v. Wade Overturned On June 24, the Supreme Court produced its much anticipated ruling banning women’s rights to access a safe abortion, upending the landmark Roe v. [...] Continue Reading
A Day Without Childcare
Hundreds of childcare providers around the state stopped working for a day as a protest to demand better working conditions and benefits. “A Day Without Childcare” occurred on May 9. Several of [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
A Victory and a Tragedy In a violent and convulsive world, any good news is welcome. And Fresno got good news on May 17 when Judge Dale Drozd announced his judgment regarding a lawsuit brought by [...] Continue Reading
Estudiantes Pueden Recibir $10.000 Dólares Siendo Voluntarios
El estado de California ofrece una oportunidad única y original para estudiantes universitarios y de colegios comunitarios de recibir $10.000 dólares en un año a cambio de ser voluntarios. Los [...] Continue Reading
Fresno: Exigen a la Ciudad Solución a Crisis de Vivienda
La crisis de la vivienda está llegando a límites intolerables: las rentas aumentan incesantemente y hay pocas casas y departamentos accesibles para familias de bajos ingresos—la mayoría de la [...] Continue Reading