By Floyd D. Harris, Jr. Rev. Floyd D. Harris Jr., national president of the National Network in Action, a civil and human rights organization, the Mexican-American Political Association, the Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Drone Surveillance Wants You!
By Grant Marcus There is a current war on the American people. Corporations in California are at war with us and each other, vying over which company will get the first $22 billion drone contract in [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Greens Continue Again and Again
By Richard Gomez As the waves of the ocean continue to batter the beaches of time to tell of the toll it takes to no one there, the Fresno Greens are reborn for another moment. I’ve been a member of [...] Continue Reading
A Tribute to Louis Coombs Weller Baker
By George B. Kauffman (Author’s note: The following is a tribute to my mentor and longtime friend, Louis Coombs Weller Baker (November 24, 1921–April 15, 2003), on the 10th anniversary of his [...] Continue Reading
¿Porque Seguimos Luchando?
Por: Leoncio Vásquez Santos, Director Ejecutivo-Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño. Ya pasaron las elecciones y ya sabemos que el triunfador de la contienda es nuevamente el [...] Continue Reading
Marcha de las Mariposas: Reforma de la Inmigración 2013
Jamie San Andrés en nombre de la Coalición 1 de Mayo por los Derechos de Inmigrantes "Nosotros no cruzamos la frontera, la frontera nos cruzó a nosotros," clamaban algunos de las masas el año pasado [...] Continue Reading
Earth Day 2013
By George B. Kauffman Earth Day, the world’s largest secular holiday and the only event celebrated by more than a half billion people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities is sponsored by many [...] Continue Reading
Immigration Reform and Latinos’ New Friends
By Eduardo Stanley Now that President Obama has unveiled his plans to overhaul the obsolete immigration law, many former opponents of such an idea are joining the tide, hoping to gain some Latino [...] Continue Reading
Cindy Sheehan’s “Tour de Peace” and “No Drones” Action in Fresno
By Cindy Sheehan and Dan Yaseen We often hear that those who protested abuses of power by President George W. Bush censor such criticisms of Obama. And with many people that’s true; some of them [...] Continue Reading
Volunteers in Fresno Unite to Help the Homeless
By Karen Goodman Our small group of people, mostly from the Unitarian Universalist Church, has been working directly with the homeless for more than a year. We go down every Thursday to deliver [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – April 2013
It was an honor for the Community Alliance to be a part of the ¡Que Vivan Los San Patricios! Saint Patrick’s Day Concert and Dance on March 17. The Fresno City College Old Administration Auditorium [...] Continue Reading