By Gene Roza On July 2, activists from the Fresno area were joined by groups from the Modesto and Stockton areas on a bus to the Bay Area to protest cuts to Social Security along with more than 500 [...] Continue Reading
The Crockford Files – August 2013
By John Crockford Access to Government Information “Transparency” and “access to information” are key terms in the struggle for an open and democratic society, and we expect our governments to [...] Continue Reading
Fresno’s Deteriorating Core Neighborhoods: A Product of Developer-Planned Suburban Sprawl?
Will Fresno’s 2035 General Plan Update Survive the Usual Developer Rewrites? By Bob Merrill Are Fresno’s mayor and City Council serious about making Fresno’s downtown more viable, or is it merely [...] Continue Reading
Poison Gas and Arabian Tales: Dispatches from the Edge
By Conn Hallinan “It is not unlike Sherlock Holmes and the dog that didn’t bark. It’s not just that we can’t prove a sarin attack, it is that we are not seeing what we would expect to see from a [...] Continue Reading
Homeless Encampments Targeted (Again)
By Mike Rhodes In the next couple of weeks, homeless people who live in downtown Fresno will be forced from their shelters and told to move on. The driving force of this relocation is the Poverello [...] Continue Reading
Anniversary Differences: Science, Civil Rights and Religion
By George B. Kauffman This is a big year for anniversaries. In science, especially chemistry and physics, the fields with which I’m most familiar, the centenary of discoveries is uniformly and [...] Continue Reading
Making a Difference
By Ruth Gadebusch It was a sweltering Aug. 18, 1920, when young Harry Burn, answering his mother’s plea, cast the deciding vote in the Tennessee legislature that made the 19th Amendment granting [...] Continue Reading
The Chain Reaction of History
By Leonard Adame Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki supposedly ensured World War II’s end and the beginning of a new and secure era for American democracy. The moment the bombs’ chain [...] Continue Reading
Indigenous Communities and Comprehensive Immigration Reform
By Yenedit Valencia In the Central Valley, and throughout California, we have a large population of indigenous communities. Most often, these communities go unnoticed. As the Senate takes on [...] Continue Reading
The Way to Town
By Cecile Lusby In 1952, we moved to our grandfather’s ranch on South Fruit Avenue outside Fresno. Will Main and his wife had taken the train from Cheyenne, Wyo., where they saw fruit box labels [...] Continue Reading
Answer to Woody’s Question, 65 Years in the Making
By Tim Z. Hernandez When Woody Guthrie asked the question, “Who are these friends all scattered like dry leaves?” I wonder if he ever thought someone 65 years down the road would attempt to answer [...] Continue Reading
DOMA Struck Down: Celebrating Today’s Victory While Looking Ahead
By Kaylia Metcalfe In a move that pleased LGBT groups across the country, on June 26, 2013, the US Supreme Court struck down (in a 5 to 4 vote) a key part of DOMA (The 1996 Defense Of Marriage [...] Continue Reading