WILPF – December 2014

WILPF – December 2014
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WILPF will meet Thursday, Jan. 8, 7 p.m., at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. There is no meeting in December.


Dec. 3, the first Wednesday of each month at noon at Fresno County Courthouse; come on the month in which your birthday falls! Wear black, bring a sign if you wish, and stand in silence for peace.

STIR IT UP: WILPF ON KFCF 88.1 FM (listener-supported free speech radio for central California)

Dec. 24, 3 p.m. (the fourth Wednesday of each month). Jean Hays does outstanding interviews on subjects involving WILPF interests and activities. Tune in!


Meetings on selected Mondays at 7 p.m. Call Ellie at 559-229-9807 for details.


Report of the Nominations Committee (Joan Poss, Ellie Bluestein, Ann Carruthers)

The Executive Committee will consist of the following officers: Chairs will prepare the agenda and conduct meetings: Patty Bennett, Elaine Rucker (Members will decide how many chairs)

The Secretary will prepare minutes and handle correspondence: Mary Perich

The Treasurer will collect dues, disperse monies and prepare the budget with the help of a budget committee: Jay Hubbell

The Membership Chair will maintain an up-to-date membership list and work with the listserv operator: Nora DeWitt, Kit Williams

The Legislative Chair will maintain contact with city, state, local, national legislators and officials through letters, visits and calls. Alerts members to vital issues working with the committee: Jean Hays, Betty Sempadian

The Publicity Chair will make sure our events are publicized as well as other events and happenings that are of importance to the branch: Ann Carruthers, Sandra Rios

The Contact Person will maintain contact for the branch with National and International WILPF offices, sections and happenings: Kit Williams


You have an opportunity to join the committee on Dec. 10 at 11:30 a.m. for a demonstration in front of the Robert E. Coyle Federal Courthouse, 2500 Tulare Ave., downtown Fresno. We will be demonstrating, bringing awareness and information to the public about Guantanamo. We will have fliers with the facts and numbers, shining light on President Obama’s broken promise during his campaign in 2008 and after he took office. As of this printing, the Legislative Committee has visited the Fresno offices of Reps. Jim Costa and Devin Nunes, and Sens. Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer three times. On the first visit, WILPF committee members brought the message “Fly a Kite Not a Drone” written on a real kite and accompanied by an informational letter. Next, we delivered a letter stating, “Don’t betray democracy! No Fast Track for the TPP!” to the offices of Sens. Feinstein and Boxer. The third appointment discussed Guantanamo and the President’s broken promise! If you would like to have your voice heard, join the Legislative Committee. For more info, contact Jean Hayes at skyhorse3593@sbcglobal.net.


The 2015 Membership Directory will be available at our Craft Faire. Be sure to pick one up at the front table. I have made all the changes I knew of. However, if I have missed anything, please let me know (559-225-1894, noradewitt@gmail.com). Thanks.

—Nora DeWitt, Membership Chair


Christmas potluck/open house Dec. 26, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. or so. Bring your extra leftovers (or make extra just for this occasion). Our first potluck was on the day after Thanksgiving last year. We’d love to have a big group celebrate with us this holiday season. For those who don’t know about this project, it’s a transitional housing experiment that is connected with Art Dyson’s Eco Village project. Address: 2231 W. Dakota, Fresno, CA 93704. House phone: 559-225-2767. Facebook page: Dakota EcoGarden. Web site: www.ecovillagefresno.wordpress.com

We have grown to 13 residents, with lots of progress being made on various issues such as education, long neglected health needs, job hunting (and getting!), with, of course, a little gardening, new-food tasting, pet loving, art-hopping and homeless advocacy thrown in. Our Nancy Holmes, house manager, again showed star qualities in a video that was shown at the recent interfaith summit homelessness conference.

If you hate how our city and county treat the homeless, let the council and mayor, and county officials hear about it. If you want to help directly and have a spare room or tent space in your yard, get in touch with me and we can work on it.

Look for the DEG table at the WILPF Crafts Faire. We will have some wire-wrapped pendants and some gift-wrapped persimmon goodies, everything homemade, of course.

—Nancy Waidtlow



  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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