By Mike Rhodes The progressive community in Fresno lost an important voice for peace, social and economic justice last month. Les Kimber passed away on Jan. 10 at the age of 80. While Kimber was known [...] Continue Reading
War & Peace
Marjorie Cohn on Drone Warfare: Illegal, Immoral and Ineffective
In the anthology Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, [...] Continue Reading
Truth and Reconciliation: Fresno Pacific University Examines Peace and Justice through Theater
By Hannah Brandt For years, American college campuses have lulled themselves into a complacent slumber regarding political activism and social justice. The decades of ambivalence among American youth [...] Continue Reading
Against the Fresno Police Department
By Jonathan Luevanos Felix On June 11, Miguel Torres was killed by Fresno Police Department (FPD) officers Colin Lewis (repeat shooter in 2014) and Jordan Wamhoff in what amounted to a total of 17 [...] Continue Reading
How the “Global” Affects Our “Local”
By Edgar Reyna-Estrada From Venice to Amsterdam, from London to New York City, metropolitan areas have been breeding grounds for the accumulation and reproduction of capital for many centuries. [...] Continue Reading
Move To Amend: Taking Back Our Democracy
By Anthony Yang, Jamaica Scott and Andres Martinez The conception of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights was to protect the rights of people—not businesses and corporations. Furthermore, these [...] Continue Reading
Squatting on the Flag
By Will Durst If you believe the recently released Senate Intelligence Committee torture report, you might be tempted to conclude that the CIA lied to the press and the public and to Congress about [...] Continue Reading
WILPF – January 2014
WILPF BUSINESS MEETING Jan. 8, second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m.–9 p.m. at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness Ave. Meetings are open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK Jan. [...] Continue Reading
10 Myths about Obama’s Latest War
By Reese Erlich Editor’s note: This article was originally posted on on Oct. 1, 2014. It is being reprinted with the author’s permission. Also, Mr. Erlich will be in Fresno on Jan. 7. [...] Continue Reading
WILPF – December 2014
WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday, Jan. 8, 7 p.m., at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. There is no meeting in December. WOMEN [...] Continue Reading
“I Just Want a Normal Life:” One Gaza Girl’s Dream
By Hannah Brandt I have adopted an arduous new summertime routine. It’s not the latest exercise regiment, a professional development class or a foray into learning another language. Every morning as [...] Continue Reading
Thoughts from an Arrest Virgin
By Beverly Fitzpatrick Bringing attention to the U.S. military’s use of drone warfare and the suffering of drone “pilots” is, in my opinion, a good reason to be arrested, lose my virgin status and [...] Continue Reading