By Salvador Sandoval With the start of a new year, it is fitting to look back at history to see where we have been to get our bearings as to where we are headed. U.S. history is permeated by the [...] Continue Reading
Social Justice
From the Editor – February 2013
I spent several fascinating days last month observing a trial at the Fresno County Courthouse. On trial were Angelo Fernandez and his two brothers (David and Robert). You may recall that Angelo was [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: Three Strikes: After Proposition 36
By Boston Woodard For four decades, politicians and the public have expanded prisons and toughened laws such as Three Strikes, but now many analysts say the pendulum appears to be swinging in a new [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Voice!
By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji “Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, it’s unlikely you will step up and take responsibility for making [...] Continue Reading
WILPF – February 2013
WILPF BUSINESS MEETING February 7, Thursday, 7PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK February 6, first Wednesday of each month at [...] Continue Reading
Patty Dawson Journey Nears End
By Stan Santos It has been 19 months since the brutal, unprovoked attack on Native American healthcare worker Patty Dawson, and her journey for justice is nearing its end. On Jan. 18, after less [...] Continue Reading
Do We Have Equal Justice under the Law?
By Maria Telesco You didn’t know our country has two “justice” systems, one for “Rich Somebodies” and another for “Poor Nobodies,” did you? You will soon. Imagine these scenarios, which this writer [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Police Department Documents Posted Online
By Mike Rhodes In early September 2011, the Community Alliance newspaper, through a California Public Records Act request, asked the Fresno Police Department (FPD) for its Policies and Procedures [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press
By Boston Woodard Newspapers written and published in prison have been in existence in America since 1800, beginning with the Forlorn Hope in New York state. The paper’s founder, prisoner William [...] Continue Reading
Missionary Zeal: County Supervisors Ban Indian Handgames in 1920
By Pepper Heredia Some of the first farmworkers in the Central Valley were California Indians. Captured Indians plowed and tilled for the missions. After 1850, they were used in even greater [...] Continue Reading
CHP Targets Farmworkers for Car Impounds
By Pam Whalen In what has become a regular event in the Caruthers area, every year at the peak of the harvest the California Highway Patrol cruisers start showing up in the early morning when [...] Continue Reading
New Marshal in Dodge City: Fresno’s Second Police Auditor Sets Up Shop
By Richard Stone So Fresno has a new person in the Office of Independent Review, with the task of reviewing all cases of an officer-involved shooting (OIS) and auditing the handling of public [...] Continue Reading