Hace casi 50 años, la Corte Suprema dictaminó que las mujeres tenían el derecho fundamental de elección cuando se trataba de abortar. Los abortos no siempre fueron ilegales, de hecho, el primer estado [...] Continue Reading
Science & Health
Efecto de la Pandemia En Trabajadores de la Tercera Edad
Covid 19 alteró nuestras vidas. La pandemia no ha quedado atrás a pesar de las decisiones de algunos gobiernos de “relajar” las medidas preventivas para evitar el contagio—por ejemplo, no exigir el [...] Continue Reading
Advocacy Groups Kick Off “Know Your Worker Rights” Drive
State labor agencies have initiated a “Know Your Worker Rights” drive as a proactive and creative approach to educate and engage hard-to-reach residents who have been disproportionately affected by [...] Continue Reading
Covid-19 Vaccine Myths in the Central Valley
Study after study shows that as more people are vaccinated for Covid-19, the virus is less likely to spread, mutate and potentially become even more dangerous. According to the California Health [...] Continue Reading
Mitos Sobre La Vacuna Contra el Covid-19 En El Valle
Estudio tras estudio demuestran que cuanta mas gente se vacune contra el Covid-19, el virus tiene menos posibilidades de propagarse, mutar y eventualmente transformarse en más peligroso. De acuerdo al [...] Continue Reading
Impacto de la pandemia y la importancia de las vacunas entre ancianos latinos
Poco se sabe del impacto de Covid 19 entre los jornaleros agrícolas, “trabajadores esenciales”. Sus condiciones de vida y de trabajo limitan sus opciones de protección, y por lo tanto las [...] Continue Reading
Vaccine Required to Attend School in California
California is the first state in the nation to implement school masking and staff vaccination measures, and now California will be the first to implement adding the Covid-19 vaccine to the list of [...] Continue Reading
The Dark of the Valley: Corrections and connections
Regarding the review of the documentary In the Dark of the Valley that appeared in the January 2022 issue of the Community Alliance, Denise Duffield, associate director for the Los Angeles office of [...] Continue Reading
Si Se Prohibe El Aborto, Las Mujeres De Color Sufrirían El Mayor Impacto
Más de 36 millones de mujeres perderían el acceso a un aborto seguro si la mayoria conservadora de la Corte Suprema limita o anula por completo la histórica decisión Roe v Wade. Expertos convocados [...] Continue Reading
Omicron Variant: Catastrophic New Wave of the Pandemic
We knew it would happen sooner or later, that if enough of us defied science, refused vaccines, ignored social distancing, attacked masking mandates and perceived the Covid pandemic as a political [...] Continue Reading
Natural Flu Remedies
Herbs have been used for centuries to prevent and treat illnesses. Many herbs are available commercially, and others are easy to grow at home. Here is a simple way to use herbs for your [...] Continue Reading
“The Right to Know” When Pesticides Are Applied
In February 2021, the Community Alliance published an article describing the intensive use of pesticides in California and the efforts that several state entities are undertaking to protect people [...] Continue Reading