Science & Health

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From the Editor – September 2013

The culture of death and destruction at City Hall is threatening this community’s most vulnerable residents with a policy that they hope will be the “final solution” to homelessness in Fresno. I was [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files — September 2013

By John Crockford More on Government Information Accessibility Last month (, this column began to explore accessibility to public information through government [...] Continue Reading

Get Fresnans Enrolled

By Ellen Wu For decades, low-income childless adults and individuals who had to buy their own health insurance have been left to fend for themselves. But all that is about to change. On Jan. 1, [...] Continue Reading

Farm Workers, Troy and the Tamale Lady

By Leonard Adame All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.– George Orwell So what is hard work? Typing all day? Naah. Most offices are air conditioned. Selling in a mall? [...] Continue Reading

The Fungus Among Us

By Maria Telesco At the time of this writing, a serious medical crisis is looming in two California prisons. Valley fever, which is caused by the sometimes-lethal aspergillus fungus, may be [...] Continue Reading

Hands Off Social Security Benefits!

By Gene Roza On July 2, activists from the Fresno area were joined by groups from the Modesto and Stockton areas on a bus to the Bay Area to protest cuts to Social Security along with more than 500 [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – August 2013

By John Crockford Access to Government Information “Transparency” and “access to information” are key terms in the struggle for an open and democratic society, and we expect our governments to [...] Continue Reading