Race & Ethnicity

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Public Defense in Peril

By Vic Bedoian In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been [...] Continue Reading

Memoirs of a Public Pretender

By Scott Baly With hands chained to their waist and feet shackled, they shuffle into the courtroom six at a time. When I see them I know there are more waiting in a cell not far behind. I wear a suit [...] Continue Reading

Poetry Corner

Edited by Richard Stone The Poetry Corner returns with two contributions from our Visalian friend, Bill Warner. Those of you similarly incited to poetry (having foresworn violence), your submissions [...] Continue Reading

The Way to Town

By Cecile Lusby In 1952, we moved to our grandfather’s ranch on South Fruit Avenue outside Fresno. Will Main and his wife had taken the train from Cheyenne, Wyo., where they saw fruit box labels [...] Continue Reading

Don’t Let Feds Murder Lynne Stewart

By Maria Telesco If you were in serious trouble, maybe accused of terrorism, the best court-appointed lawyer you could hope for would be Lynne Stewart. A criminal defense attorney for more than 30 [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – February 2013

Thanks, Fresno, for a Real Christmas Miracle [The] Inmate Family Council and collaborating churches knew it was time to get the Goodie Bags ready for the ladies in Chowchilla Prison. The warden told [...] Continue Reading