Glance at the Fresno Bee most days, and it becomes obvious that, despite Fresno’s standing as “the drunkest city” in the country, the local police department’s “DUI checkpoints” net way more cars than [...] Continue Reading
California Civil Commitment for Sexual Offenders: Is it working and who benefits?
By Dr. Jean Kennedy Dr. Jean Kennedy is the host of the “Health Comes at a Premium” segment of Valley Black Talk on KFCF. Contact her at KFCF/News Article, 1449 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, CA 93744, [...] Continue Reading
Stop Hate Radio
Citizens for Civility and Accountability in Media, a community group in Fresno, is calling on radio station KMJ to alter its talk radio format to allow for a wider range of opinions on the air. The [...] Continue Reading
Trip to Israel/Palestine with the Interfaith Peace Builders Delegation
Lynn MacMichael recently returned from one of her many trips to Israel/Palestine, where she joined 32 other delegation members from the United States and Canada for two weeks of meetings and [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Area Chapter ACLU
The Greater Fresno Area Chapter of the ACLU-NC covers a huge area: Madera, Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties. As I write this, it is the day after a "social meeting" at the Round Table Pizza in [...] Continue Reading
Green Party Speaks to the Propositions
Proposition 13: NO There is no need for a tax break for repairs due to earthquakes in the Central Valley, where earthquakes are few and less destructive than in Los Angeles or San Francisco. The [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
This Is How We Decide? By Ruth Gadebusch The air is alive with sound, and every bare spot is filled with signs. Of course, I refer to all the political advertisements with which we are inundated. [...] Continue Reading
The Debate over Empire and the Feud It Caused
The Fresno Pacific University Web site mentions that Fresno became part of the United States as a result of the U.S.-Mexican War.1 Although not advertised as such at the time, historians now agree [...] Continue Reading
Local Elections: How Should Progressives Vote?
The June 8 primary election features a large field of candidates-from City Council to Congressional races. There are also five state propositions on the ballot. How can progressives get the [...] Continue Reading
SJRA-ADVOCATE ("This little newsletter")
By: Boston Woodard Every now and then, someone or something comes along bringing hope and beneficial information to thousands of prisoners in California. In the case of a small grassroots newsletter, [...] Continue Reading
Run to Save Wa-Ha-Lish
By: Vic Bedoian Jesse Morrow Mountain is a unique local landmark. Standing 20 miles east of Fresno, along with its neighbor, Campbell Mountain, it forms the gateway to Kings Canyon-Sequoia National [...] Continue Reading
Chomsky Warns of Risk of Fascism in America
By: Matthew Rothschild Noam Chomsky, the leading leftwing intellectual, warned last week that fascism may be coming to the United States. "I'm just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler's [...] Continue Reading