
By Month

By Category

Outrage of the Month

By: Mike Rhodes It is always sad when you see a bully taking advantage of someone who is weak and powerless. It is even more upsetting when that bully is the City of Fresno, whose employees are being [...] Continue Reading

When Shoestrings Come Untied

By: Kelly Borkert On February 19, a fund-raiser for Fresno Food Not Bombs will take place at the Full Circle Brewery (620 F Street, just north of Ventura and east of the Highway 99 exit). Blake Jones [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Greens Begin Anew in 2010

“So flower power didn’t work, okay, we start again.”—John Lennon The Fresno County Green Party is reenergizing itself from within and looks forward to a successful rebuilding effort in 2010. In a [...] Continue Reading

Aid to Haiti: Where Does Our Money Go?

By: Patrick Young With over 200,000 dead and a collapsed city, Haiti is desperate for help. The pervasive poverty Haitians have been living with for years is now past the breaking point. With few [...] Continue Reading

Reaping Riches in a Wretched Region

By: Lloyd Carter Subsidized Industrial Farming and Its Link to Perpetual Poverty This two-part series shows how a long American tradition of helping small farmers has, in the past few decades in the [...] Continue Reading

SEIU’s Civil War

By: Bill Fletcher American workers need a labor movement grounded in social justice, not fractured, fighting unions. (This article was originally published by In These Times at InTheseTimes.com. For [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Melts Down

By: Dan Waterhouse As 2009 draws to a close, some 125 City of Fresno employees know that their New Year’s Eve will not be a joyous one: When they wake up on New Year’s Day, they will be unemployed [...] Continue Reading