
By Month

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In Solidarity with the People of Cuba

On July 7, a school bus will roll into Fresno, more than half stuffed with cargo, but with a few seats remaining, with windows wide open for cooling and colorful artwork showing its mission―the [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

I was pleasantly surprised when I read David Roy’s “Progressive Religion...Is Not an Oxymoron” article this month. Roy’s article takes a look at why there is such a chasm between the stated goals of [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Was it Worth It? Bin Laden is dead. Saddam is dead. Our invasions have caused tens of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars to get rid of these two bad guys. 9/11 is avenged. Yay, U.S.A. Was it [...] Continue Reading

California Budget Crisis

(Note: The data herein were taken from a number of public sources. Not all of these sources were in agreement on the specific cuts or the precise amounts of those cuts, but there is general agreement [...] Continue Reading

Crossroads with Carla

Life is a journey that has the power to take us places we may never expect to end up. Many people may take a look at homelessness and conclude it to be one of life’s issues that they will never have [...] Continue Reading

Fragility of the American Dream

The following testimony was given by a new member of the California Central Valley Journey for Justice at the April 9, 2011, University of California, Merced, forum titled Abolishing Homelessness. It [...] Continue Reading