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The Cow Wins: Devin Nunes Departs

Now that the euphoria has died down over Devin Nunes’ resignation from Congress, we move to the task of replacing him. And that gets somewhat confusing. First, a special election will be held to [...] Continue Reading

The March for Our Future

By Community Alliance staff On Dec. 4, hundreds marched in Fresno demanding that Boards of Supervisors in Central Valley counties listen to the people regarding new district boundaries. [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Nunes Resignation I just read that our lying, deceitful, racist, simply evil man Devin Nunes is planning to resign, to go work for Trump media.  What more evidence do we need to support the [...] Continue Reading

La Marcha Por Nuestro Futuro

Por Community Alliance  El sábado 4 de diciembre, cientos de personas marcharon en Fresno exigiendo a las juntas de supervisores de los condados del Valle de San Joaquín que escuchen a la [...] Continue Reading