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The Cow Wins: Devin Nunes Departs
Now that the euphoria has died down over Devin Nunes’ resignation from Congress, we move to the task of replacing him. And that gets somewhat confusing. First, a special election will be held to [...] Continue Reading
Elsa Mejia Sworn in as New Madera City Council Member
On Dec. 1, Elsa Mejia, 32, was sworn in as the representative of District 5 on the Madera City Council by her sister, Daisy Jimenez, 35. Elsa is the first Latina of indigenous origin to win an [...] Continue Reading
The March for Our Future
By Community Alliance staff On Dec. 4, hundreds marched in Fresno demanding that Boards of Supervisors in Central Valley counties listen to the people regarding new district boundaries. [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Nunes Resignation I just read that our lying, deceitful, racist, simply evil man Devin Nunes is planning to resign, to go work for Trump media. What more evidence do we need to support the [...] Continue Reading
Human Rights Day Focuses on Voting Rights
On Dec. 11, Human Rights Day 2021 was celebrated with a webinar put on by the Human Rights Coalition of the Central Valley called “Voting Rights are Human Rights.” The keynote speaker was Dr. Shirley [...] Continue Reading
Chile: Left-Wing Candidate Wins in a Landslide
Until Sept. 11, 1973, Chile had a long history of democratic elections. Salvador Allende was elected in 1970 (after running unsuccessfully in 1952, 1958 and 1964.) The 1973 U.S.-supported military [...] Continue Reading
Contrasting Crackdowns: Elections in Ecuador and Nicaragua
(Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the originally published by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, COHA.org, on December 7, 2021, as a response to an article, “Nicaragua, una esperanza que [...] Continue Reading
Madera: Elsa Mejia Juramentó Como Concejal de la Ciudad
El 1 de diciembre de 2021 Elsa Mejia, 32, juramentó como nueva concejal de la ciudad de Madera, representando el distrito 5. Su hermana Daisy, 35, le tomó el juramento. Elsa es la primera mujer de [...] Continue Reading
López Obrador, una oportunidad para un cambio necesario
Sabemos que la Cuarta Transformación (4T) no es perfecta. Si lo fuera, un gran número de políticos y empresarios ya estarían en la cárcel, se les habría confiscado su dinero y terrenos acaparados [...] Continue Reading
Chile: Contundente Triunfo de la Izquierda
El triunfo de la izquierda en chile el pasado 19 de diciembre de 2021, a través del presidente electo Gabriel Boric, marca un giro que comenzó hace 26 meses con el estallido social del cual fueron [...] Continue Reading
La Marcha Por Nuestro Futuro
Por Community Alliance El sábado 4 de diciembre, cientos de personas marcharon en Fresno exigiendo a las juntas de supervisores de los condados del Valle de San Joaquín que escuchen a la [...] Continue Reading