Text and photos by Manuel Ortiz Escámez A growing wave of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion is reaching Tijuana, Mexico, where people hope to cross into the United States in search of [...] Continue Reading
National & International
Redefining the Family in a Revolutionary Manner in Cuba
Cuba finished writing and approving, by referendum, a new constitution in 2019. Now Cuba is creating a legal code that details the rights set forth in the new constitution. The previous Cuban [...] Continue Reading
International Women’s Day: Another Day in the Struggle
In May 2015, in Argentina, 14-year-old Chiara Paez, pregnant, was assassinated by her boyfriend, 17-year-old Manuel Ignacio Mansilla Gallegos. He killed her by blows and buried her body in his [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis
Where Hope Prevails While not without its own disappointments and heartbreak, the Olympics have provided us with needed distraction. Watching the clean young faces in dress representing the home [...] Continue Reading
“Washington Post En Español” Miente Sobre El Presidente De México
Aclaremos: no es lo mismo el periódico The Washington Post en inglés, aquel diario que nos ha brindado grandes ejemplos de periodismo, que el Washington Post en Español. Desde su contenido hasta [...] Continue Reading
Si Se Prohibe El Aborto, Las Mujeres De Color Sufrirían El Mayor Impacto
Más de 36 millones de mujeres perderían el acceso a un aborto seguro si la mayoria conservadora de la Corte Suprema limita o anula por completo la histórica decisión Roe v Wade. Expertos convocados [...] Continue Reading
Alicia Jrapko, Rest in Power
Alicia Jrapko, a first-line fighter for a better, more just and equitable world, died on Jan. 11 after a long illness during which she continued to work as much as possible. As leader of the [...] Continue Reading
“En Michoacán Tenemos Problemas De Violencia Contra La Mujer”
“El principal problema para las mujeres en Michoacán es la violencia, es muy fuerte, muy grave”, dice la diputada estatal María de la Luz Núñez Ramos en una entrevista realizada a mediados de enero en [...] Continue Reading
La desigualdad económica mundial está exacerbando la pandemia y matando a millones de personas
La organización Oxfam informó a fines de enero que los diez hombres más ricos del mundo duplicaron su riqueza durante la pandemia—de 700 mil millones a 1,5 billones de dólares—, mientras que los [...] Continue Reading
¿Dónde Quedó La Reforma Migratoria?
Ya pasado el primer aniversario de la presidencia de Joe Biden y los análisis de cómo la reforma migratoria una vez más quedó en el tintero, la pregunta obligada es qué resta por hacer. Es decir, cuál [...] Continue Reading
Chile: Left-Wing Candidate Wins in a Landslide
Until Sept. 11, 1973, Chile had a long history of democratic elections. Salvador Allende was elected in 1970 (after running unsuccessfully in 1952, 1958 and 1964.) The 1973 U.S.-supported military [...] Continue Reading
Contrasting Crackdowns: Elections in Ecuador and Nicaragua
(Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the originally published by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, COHA.org, on December 7, 2021, as a response to an article, “Nicaragua, una esperanza que [...] Continue Reading