On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 Fresno’s Community United Church of Christ hosted the IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba Sendoff. Photos by Richard D. Iyall, Cowlitz. [...] Continue Reading
National & International
Fresno Celebrates LGBT Pride and Mourns Orlando Attack
By Hannah Brandt “I’m 54. People my age remember going to the old Express gay club near Belmont and Hwy 180,” says Chris Jarvis of Fresno LGBT Community Center. “We used to have to drive around [...] Continue Reading
On July 13, Isel Calzadilla Acosta, the founder and coordinator of Las Isabelas (a lesbian and bisexual women's organization in Santiago de Cuba) will be in Fresno. She will speak at the Pastors for [...] Continue Reading
Election 2016 in Fresno
By Hannah Brandt Unless you have been living under a rock, and perhaps even if you have, you know we are in the final days leading up to the California Primary election to select the Democratic and [...] Continue Reading
Democracy Now! in Fresno
By Hannah Brandt On April 29, Fresno welcomed Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan thanks to an event put on by local KPFA Pacifica Radio affiliate, KFCF 88.1. Amy Goodman is host and executive producer of [...] Continue Reading
Havana, Cuba
By Santos Garcia Today I fulfilled a lifelong dream. I have always wanted to travel from Madera to Cuba. As part of a 34-member Labor delegation from California, union members from the San Joaquin [...] Continue Reading
Building a War Abolition / Peace Movement
By David Swanson for Peace Fresno At least ninety percent of humanity is represented by governments that wage war much less than the U.S. government. Over ninety-nine percent of people in the United [...] Continue Reading
By George B. Kauffman Last month our nation celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, while the entire world celebrated the birthday of Charles Darwin, who is ranked alongside our greatest [...] Continue Reading
How A Lion Named Cecil Changed The World
By Gary Carter What happened with Cecil the Lion was horrible, but something else happened too. With his poaching, suddenly everyone was painfully aware of the horrors of trophy hunting. In response, [...] Continue Reading
Hillary Clinton & Remembering MLK Jr’s Legacy
By Patricia Brown I’m Pat Brown, a volunteer for Hillary for America Fresno and it’s a privilege to be here today because I believe Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, President Obama is the dream [...] Continue Reading
Discussion at Reedley Peace Center about Israel Palestine
By Hannah Brandt A Fresno State student recently back from Palestine spoke at the Reedley Peace Center on Jan. 15, 2016. She was born and grew up partially in the U.S., living first in New York City [...] Continue Reading
Science: The Year in Review 2015
By George B. Kauffman This is the time of year that lists of the previous year’s most important events, discoveries, or other breakthroughs in various fields are drawn up, often on social media. As in [...] Continue Reading