The 148th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, apostle of peace and nonviolence, also known as the father of human rights in the 20th century and patron saint of the peace movement globally, will be observed [...] Continue Reading
National & International
Mental Health of Syrian Children: Hope for Healing Invisible Wounds
By Wasan Abu-Baker Editor’s note: This article was originally published at Kings River Life Magazine ( and is republished with [...] Continue Reading
Three Years After War, Gaza Still Suffering: A Follow-Up with Dina Samir
By Hannah Brandt In July 2014, just a month before Americans were confronted with the images of 17-year-old Michael Brown lying dead from police gunshots on the street in Ferguson, Mo., television [...] Continue Reading
Pastors for Peace Caravan Returns from Cuba
By Leni Reeves We want you to know. We’ve been to Cuba! This is what we used to shout as we entered U.S. Immigration, marching across the International Bridge from México to the United States at [...] Continue Reading
Is This Finally the End of Trump or Only the Beginning of the End?
By George B. Kauffman My head is literally spinning! I simply can’t keep up with the frantic pace of events. The news is filled hourly or even at more frequent intervals with the hysterical, [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – July 2017
By Hannah Brandt Nostalgia is the name of the game right now. All of our favorite TV shows, movies, books and, even video games are getting the reboot treatment lately. Everything from Gilmore Girls [...] Continue Reading
Trump Announces New Plans to Harm the Cuban People
By Leni Reeves It is hard to forgive someone after they have done evil things to us. In 2014 and 2015, the U.S. government resumed diplomatic relations with Cuba, took Cuba off the list of state [...] Continue Reading
Ire for Democrat Who Pulled Plug on California’s Single-Payer Bill
By Jon Queally Editor’s note: This article was originally published in Common Dreams at and is [...] Continue Reading
Legal Defense Funding: In Defense of Immigrants’ Civil Liberties
By Daniel O’Connell In June 2016, Donald Trump launched his bid to be President of the United States with an extraordinary discriminatory anti-immigrant statement: “When Mexico sends its people, [...] Continue Reading
Would Anyone Else Also Not Believe Trump Under Oath?
By Halima Aquino As Americans, we dare to dream of a better future. Although we often experience grizzly disagreements between and within our political parties, at the root of it all, we share a [...] Continue Reading