By Reza Nekumanesh In the Glorious Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, God tells humans that taking the life of one innocent person is equal to killing off the entirety of humanity in the eyes of God [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Parks Near Freeways Are Disgusting By Barbara Christl (Editor’s note: This comment is in reference to “More Poison Parks Planned” in the February 2015 issue.) Thank you Kevin Hall for continuing to [...] Continue Reading
Who Came First, the Chicken or the Prisoner?
By Daniel Tregila The hunger strikes launched here in the Pelican Bay Special Housing Unit (SHU/solitary confinement) in 2011 was based on decades of the use and abuse of solitary confinement against [...] Continue Reading
By Will Durst Big bad brouhaha over at NBC with anchor Brian Williams misremembering being shot down in a helicopter on a trip to Iraq, when the facts seem to indicate that although he did fly in a [...] Continue Reading
Why I Am Not Charlie Hebdo #JeNeSuisPasCharlie
By Hannah Brandt “The belief that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong in the world.” —Dr. Paul Farmer Every year, at least one global incident sets off an immediate, baffling, [...] Continue Reading
Covering the MLK Celebrations
By Jonathan Luevanos Felix Against the Status Quo On Jan. 19, the Fresno Bee published an article that covered the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. The celebration that took place in downtown [...] Continue Reading
Introducing the new Layout Designer
By Community Alliance Change can be a happy and scary time depending on who you ask. One thing is for sure, it’s inevitable and opens up opportunities to grow in a variety of different directions. [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Comes Before Ferguson
By Richard Gomez Peace and nonviolence isn’t just praying and hoping for justice but includes the time when we must roll up our sleeves, get out in the streets and make demands to our duly elected [...] Continue Reading
Justice for Our Lives
By Oree Originol Justice for Our Lives is a series of designs portraying people from marginalized communities who have lost their lives due to state violence and hate crimes. These images call [...] Continue Reading
What’s So Deadly about Dust?
By Hannah Brandt With the surge in Valley Fever cases over the past few years, are we amid a new Dust Bowl? If you live outside California or the Southwest, you may never have heard of Valley Fever, [...] Continue Reading
Book Review: Tell No Lies
By Mike Rhodes The early 1970s were an amazing time to be young and alive in the Central Valley. There was a sense of excitement, hope and a belief that we were about to change the world. It is in [...] Continue Reading