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Crossroads with Carla

Life is a journey that has the power to take us places we may never expect to end up. Many people may take a look at homelessness and conclude it to be one of life’s issues that they will never have [...] Continue Reading

Fragility of the American Dream

The following testimony was given by a new member of the California Central Valley Journey for Justice at the April 9, 2011, University of California, Merced, forum titled Abolishing Homelessness. It [...] Continue Reading

Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots

Classrooms, Not Prison Cells By Daniel Treglia I’m inspired to write because of Miriam Hernandez, who wrote “Where’s the Attention to Education” in the May issue of the Community Alliance. Although [...] Continue Reading

Don’t Feed the Animals

We’ve heard the story of “The Bird Man of Alcatraz,” by Robert Stroud. Prison folklore has it the Bird Man smuggled bird eggs and fledglings (baby birds) inside his coat into the cell house on “The [...] Continue Reading