The local Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) chapter, the Central Valley–Sierra Progressives, proudly hosts Norman Solomon, candidate for California’s 6th Congressional district, at two special events on August 20. Rep. Lynn Woolsey is retiring, and Solomon will not only follow Woolsey’s lead but also push progressive policies further forward.
Winner of the George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language, Solomon is an author, a speaker and a media critic, as well as a lifetime advocate for accuracy in reporting, especially on war. He has devoted great effort to stopping nuclear energy facilities and to healthcare for all. He is the national co-chair of PDA’s Healthcare Not Warfare campaign.
Solomon is the author of such books as Target Iraq, Wizards of Media Oz: Behind the Curtain of Mainstream News, The Trouble with Dilbert: How Corporate Culture Gets the Last Laugh, False Hope: The Politics of Illusion in the Clinton Era, The Power of Babble: The Politician’s Dictionary of Buzzwords and Doubletalk for Every Occasion and Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation.
He wrote War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Are Spinning Us To Death, which was made into a film documentary featuring Norman and narrated by Academy Award–winning actor Sean Penn. The PDA chapter screened it on July 27.
Solomon describes his candidacy as “a new kind of politics. From the grassroots.” He means it. We have heard him speak about the race, and he’s not afraid to say, “Don’t vote for me if you don’t want…”
He wrote, “One of the big issues in my race for Congress is nuclear power. In contrast to wait-and-see equivocation about awaiting ‘studies’ from nuclear-friendly federal agencies, I’m the candidate calling for closure of California’s two nuclear power plants—both of them located on major earthquake faults.”
About Social Security and other issues, Solomon said, “Our leaders should be fighting to protect seniors, children, the jobless, the disabled and other vulnerable Americans, not throwing Social Security on the table and pulling out knives.”
We know Solomon’s accomplishments and commitment. That is why we are proud to have him here.
Our first event will be a house party with wine, cheese and other light refreshments from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Solomon will visit with us individually and then speak to the guests at 5 p.m. Donation levels are Host $250, Sponsor $100, Contributor $75 and Fan $50. Space is limited, so reservations are required.
Our second event will be a speaking engagement from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Union Hall at 2501 W. Shaw Ave. Donation is $10. Space here will be limited as well, so please register.
To register for either event, go to www.pdamerica.org and access the blue Calendar button just under the Web site’s banner. See both events on August 20. Calendar events also have maps.
The next PDA meeting will be at 6 p.m. on August 24 at Denny’s Restaurant, 1110 E. Shaw Ave., with a barnburner speaker, Rose Roach, who is the vice chair of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party and is with the Campaign for a Healthy California.