Local & State

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Historic Legislation Signed in Fresno

By Valeria Pedroza Last month, on Oct. 3, California Governor Jerry Brown came to the Central Valley and signed AB 60 into law at Fresno City College. This bill, which will not take effect until Jan. [...] Continue Reading

Memoirs of a Public Pretender

By Scott Baly With hands chained to their waist and feet shackled, they shuffle into the courtroom six at a time. When I see them I know there are more waiting in a cell not far behind. I wear a suit [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – October 2013

A Modest Proposal Wow, what a great newspaper. Many thanks to all the contributors. Stunning piece by Miguel Villega Ventura about the People of the Rain and their progress in decolonizing their [...] Continue Reading

Crockford Files – October 2013

By John Crockford U.S. Postal Service Wants to Verify Who You Are The U.S. Postal Service recently awarded a three-year $15.12 million contract to build a cloud-based authentication exchange. IT [...] Continue Reading

Organizing for Action

By Keith A. Jones After working for 44 years in the newspaper business, I found myself retired and wondering what to do with my spare time. And I have a lot of spare time, believe me. I tried [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – September 2013

Should We Destroy the Fulton Mall to Save Downtown Fresno? Your recent editorial on the Fulton Mall raises several important questions regarding the city’s planned course of action for the mall. The [...] Continue Reading