
By Month

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Clearing the Air

Valley Air Board’s InsensitivityBy Kevin Hall According to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, it was an orange flag day on a Thursday afternoon in late September, “unhealthy for [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air

By Kevin Hall The No Spin O-Zone Readers of the Fresno Bee were greeted to an amazing front-page headline a few weeks back, one that must have had many thinking they’d awakened in a parallel [...] Continue Reading

Road Warrior

By Lloyd G. Carter (Editor’s note: In Part 1 of this two-part series, which ran last month in the Community Alliance and was titled “Perdition Road,” the battle over Cascadel Road in mountainous [...] Continue Reading

Perdition Road

By Lloyd G. Carter Editor’s note: This is part one of a two-part series. Part two will run next month. North Fork—Madera County’s most fire-vulnerable mountain subdivision—has gotten a lot more [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air

By Kevin Hall Editor’s note: Long-time readers will remember Kevin Hall’s column that ran regularly in the Community Alliance for several years as he fought pollution in the San Joaquin Valley as a [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

NLRB Judge Overturns Kaiser Election, Calls for New Vote Kaiser workers’ right to a fair election was vindicated by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In a 34-page ruling, Judge Lana Parke [...] Continue Reading

Community Gardens, Chickens and More

It seems like homegrown food production is on the rise in Fresno. People are digging up their lawns and replacing them with vegetable and herb gardens, backyard chicken coops are popping up in many [...] Continue Reading