
By Month

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How We Handle a Controversial Article

In July 2022, the Community Alliance newspaper printed “Smell Their Dairy Airs,” written by Kevin Hall for his “Climate Politics” column. The article was also on our website but was removed because of [...] Continue Reading

“C” Saw: Hitting Bottom

Ever experience that painful tailbone landing that follows when your playmate suddenly jumps off their end of the seesaw? To avoid it you had to see it coming, then put your feet down fast. It’s like [...] Continue Reading

Cities Attempt “C” Cash Grab

The residents of rural Fresno County living outside its 15 cities, including thousands in more than 30 disadvantaged unincorporated communities, were placed on the political chopping block last [...] Continue Reading

Drinking Water or Lawn Water?

Based on numerous historical studies and predictive climate modeling, climate scientists predict that the future of the American West, and California in particular, will be one of higher daily average [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Explaining Measure C Thanks for the great, informative June issue! The one-page, excellent explanation of Measure C helped many of us realize what a mess all of this and how totally ineffective [...] Continue Reading

La Guerra Por El Agua en México

La idea de que las guerras del futuro serán por agua ocupa el centro de un imaginario intentado que se basa en la noción de que el agua es escasa y si algo no alcanza para todos, las partes pelean y [...] Continue Reading