Climate Politics

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Over 50s to Decide Your Post 2050

Nonprofit organizations in and around Fresno will soon be receiving generous offers of grant money to conduct outreach in neighborhoods and small communities where average income is low, pollution [...] Continue Reading

You Can “C” Forever from Here

Measure C without end? That’s the recommendation from one consultant: a permanent tax on Fresno County voters—a forever tax—for transportation spending. We all currently pay an extra half cent on [...] Continue Reading

A Transportation “C” Change?

By Kevin Hall A high tide of community leaders swept into the Measure C sales tax renewal debate last month, flooding the island fortress of the status quo that is the Fresno County Transportation [...] Continue Reading

“Disappointed” Enough for Change?

By Kevin Hall The year 2020 tied 2016 as the hottest in human history. Other new records were set for Arctic heat and wildfires, tropical storms in the Atlantic, and locally, the Creek Fire, the [...] Continue Reading

Covfefe Affects City Leader Cognition

By Kevin Hall Key terms: COVID19—acronym for COronaVIrus Disease of 2019; covidiots—people who ignore COVID19 safeguards; Covfefe—a gathering of two or more covidiots. A local election night [...] Continue Reading