North Dakota Judge Throws Out Charges Against Journalist Amy Goodman

North Dakota Judge Throws Out Charges Against Journalist Amy Goodman
People came out in Fresno in September to support Standing Rock Sioux land and water protectors against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Image by Richard D. Iyall , Cowlitz.

TheĀ Democracy Now!Ā host is free but a documentary maker who was also arrested for committing journalism faces a potential 45 years in prison.

By John Light | October 17, 2016

(Editorā€™s Note: This article is republished with permission from

Two journalists are facing jail time for covering protests against oil and gas pipelines in North Dakota.

The better-known of the pair, Amy Goodman, host of the television and radio programĀ Democracy Now!, appeared in court today to face charges that she participated in a riot while covering Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests last month. The protests, attended by thousands, are being led by Native American groups and environmental activists. While Goodman and her crew were filming, private security guards pepper sprayed and unleashed dogs to attack protestors. Goodmanā€™s report went viral;Ā one Facebook posting of the videoĀ has 14 million views. Five days after that report was recorded, a warrant was issued for Goodmanā€™s arrest.

Initially, she was charged with trespassing, but that count was dropped by North Dakota state prosecutors, who admitted it likely would not stand up in court. They then charged Goodman with participating in a riot. If convicted, she could have been fined and serve jail time. Her appearance is set for 1:30 Central Time in Morton County court.

ā€œI came back to North Dakota to fight a trespass charge. They saw that they could never make that charge stick, so now they want to charge me with rioting,ā€ GoodmanĀ said in a statementĀ posted toĀ Democracy Now!ā€™s website on Saturday. ā€œI wasnā€™t trespassing, I wasnā€™t engaging in a riot, I was doing my job as a journalist by covering a violent attack on Native American protesters.ā€

Goodman was one of the first journalists with a national audience to cover the pipeline protest, which would carry oil from North Dakotaā€™s fuel-rich Bakken Shale to Illinois, a journey of more than 1,000 miles that crosses the Missouri River, a source of water to Native American tribes as well as millions of others.

Less than a week after her report aired, the Obama administrationĀ ordered a haltĀ to construction on the disputed stretch of DAPL to allow for more environmental assessments. The decision comes as falling oil pricesĀ threaten a boomĀ that fracking brought to the Bakken region of North Dakota.

People came out in Fresno in September to support Standing Rock Sioux land and water protectors against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Image by Richard D. Iyall , Cowlitz.
People came out in Fresno in September to support Standing Rock Sioux land and water protectors against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Image by Richard D. Iyall , Cowlitz.

The charges against Goodman have been denounced by press freedom advocates. ā€œHow North Dakota did not immediately realize this was all a horrible mistake on their part is beyond reason. The only explanation seems to be that they want to silence First Amendment-protected speech and intimidate other journalists into not covering the protests,ā€ writes Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press foundation,Ā in a blog post.

Carlos LaurĆ­a of the Committee to Protect Journalists called on the North Dakota courts toĀ dismiss the chargesĀ against Goodman. ā€œFailure to do so would send a chilling message for press freedom in the US,ā€ he said. Delphine Halgand, US director of Reporters Without Borders, called the charges against Goodman,Ā ā€œa direct threat against press freedom.ā€

But Goodman is not the only journalist to face charges for filming protests against the stateā€™s fossil fuel infrastructure.

Just last week, Deia Schlosberg, a producer on the filmĀ How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Canā€™t Change, was arrested and charged with three felonies, all conspiracy charges, that carry a sentence of up to 45 years in prison. The charges stemmed from Schlosbergā€™s filming of an Oct. 11 protest that briefly shut down five oil pipelines that bring aboutĀ 15 percentĀ of the oil used each day to America from Canadaā€™s tar sands.

The director of Schlosbergā€™s film, Josh Fox (famous for his 2010 filmĀ GaslandĀ and a sequel to it), is circulatingĀ a petitionĀ asking the state to drop the charges against her. Along with 20,000 others, actors Mark Ruffalo and Daryl Hannah, musician Neil Young and environmental activist Bill McKibben have signed it.

In both cases prosecutors are arguing that the reporters were not acting as journalists but were instead part of the demonstrations, and guilty of the same criminal charges levied against protestors.

ā€œSheā€™s a protester, basically. Everything she reported on was from the position of justifying the protest actions,ā€ Prosecutor Ladd EricksonĀ toldĀ The Bismark TribuneĀ in an article about the charges against Goodman. Ironically, in a letter responding to another lawyer concerned about the case, Erickson mentioned that one of his favorite reporters is Matt Taibbi, a journalist forĀ Rolling StoneĀ who is not afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve.

Upon reading this,Ā Taibbi wrote:

ā€¦A prosecutor who arrests a reporter because he doesnā€™t think sheā€™s ā€œbalancedā€ enough is basically telling future reporters what needs to be in their stories to avoid arrest. This is totally improper and un-American. We have enough meddling editors in this country without also recruiting government officials to the job.

UPDATE: JudgeĀ John GrinsteinerĀ refused to authorize the charges against Amy Goodman. ā€œThis is a complete vindication of my right as a journalist to cover the attack on the protesters, and of the publicā€™s right to know what is happening with the Dakota Access pipeline,ā€ she said in aĀ statement. The charges against Deia Schlosberg still stand, and authoritiesĀ have not ruled out future charges against Goodman.

Ā *****

John LightĀ is a writer and digital producer for the Moyers team. His work has appeared at The Atlantic,Ā Grist,Ā Mother Jones,Ā Salon,Ā Slate,Ā VoxĀ and Al Jazeera, and has been broadcast on Public Radio International. He’s a graduate of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. You can follow him on Twitter atĀ @LightTweeting.


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