Government Shutdown: Don’t Get Angry, Go Green!

Government Shutdown: Don’t Get Angry, Go Green!
Image by KAZ Vorpal via Flickr Creative Commons

By Richard Gomez

Like Emperor Nero who fiddled while Rome burned, the major political parties play the game until a deal that will appease Corporate America with big wet kisses from our Congress, senators and the President with another big bailout of taxpayers’ money. While we wait for the dust to settle on our government shutdown, Social Security, Obamacare and other programs that should assist the elderly, the poor, the sick and children are on the chopping blocks. Anger doesn’t work, so to stop this game one has to Go Green.

The Fresno Greens have joined with registered Greens from Merced County to present “Build the Green Party: A Political Movement to Take Our Country Back from Corporate Greed.” The event is on Nov. 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ramiro Martinez’s Anvil Art Gallery at Manchester Mall. All are invited, especially Greens from the Central Valley. Martinez is one of the few young revolutionary art directors in Fresno.

David Cobb, spokesperson of Move to Amend and former 2004 Green Party Presidential candidate, will speak on our 10 Key Values, the heart and soul of the Green Party. Later, he will lead a discussion on the need to re-create and reenergize the Green Party and restore sanity to our government.

In Richmond, Green Party Mayor Gayle McLaughlin has challenged the big banks by threatening to impose “eminent domain” on foreclosed housing and begin the process that will allow families to return to their homes. We anticipate spokespersons to speak on foreclosures and homelessness in the Central Valley.

Gloria M. Sandoval, a longtime Merced resident and president of the California Central Valley Journey for Justice, will discuss her role as secretary of immigration in the Green Shadow Cabinet. Ralphy Avitia, president of the Mexican-American Political Association (MAPA), will talk of the need for strong third political parties.

We ask voters to band together to strengthen the Green Party and their political rights. Voters and soon-to-be voters are encouraged to learn more about the Green Party and become a force to end our political nightmares. We need your votes to keep the flames of opposition to corporate rule, but we also need you to be a part of our political path. For more information, call Richard Gomez at 559-408-3320 or Gloria M. Sandoval at 209-631-9696.

The Fresno County Green Party meets the second Thursday of the month (next meeting Nov. 13) at the Hugh M. Burns State Department Building (2550 Mariposa Mall, downtown Fresno)at 7 p.m. For more information, visit


Richard Gomez is a council member of the Fresno County Green Party. Contact him at 559-408-3320 or


  • Mike Rhodes is the executive director of the Community Alliance, was the editor of this newspaper from 1998 to 2014 and the author of several books. Contact him at

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