Organized Labor

By Month

By Category

Patient Care Crisis

On May 25, a sea of purple engulfed the Capitol in Sacramento. More than 600 healthcare workers, medical assistants, home caregivers, clinic workers, resident physicians and patients wearing purple [...] Continue Reading

Crisis de Atención al Paciente

El 25 de mayo un mar púrpura envolvió el capitolio. Más de 600 trabajadores de la salud, asistentes médicos, cuidadores domiciliarios, trabajadores de clínicas, médicos residentes y pacientes que [...] Continue Reading

Celebrating International Workers Day

BY COMMUNITY ALLIANCE STAFF More than 200 people marched through downtown Fresno on May 1 for International Workers Day demanding immigration reform and honoring workers throughout the world. It [...] Continue Reading

May Day in Fresno 2023

Video: This video illustrates who attended the march and some of the groups involved in organizing this years May Day celebration. **** (The following history of [...] Continue Reading

May 1 March in Fresno

By Community Alliance Staff The Coalición 1 de Mayo is organizing a march and rally on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day and to demand an immigration reform. The Coalición will be [...] Continue Reading

Happy Birthday, Dolores

On April 10, civil rights icon Dolores Huerta turns 93. She keeps her indomitable energy and passion for social justice, women’s rights and more. How is she going to celebrate? In Sacramento, she [...] Continue Reading

Abuso laboral: tibios e indiferentes

(Nota del Editor: Esta nota fue originalmente publicada en Llegué a los Estados Unidos cuando las marchas por la reforma migratoria llenaban las calles de las grandes ciudades [...] Continue Reading