Opinion & Analysis

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Beyond the Chicano Status Quo

By Jonathan Luevano Felix What is Chicano? What does it mean to be a Mexican-American person in Central California? Once we realize the existential condition, then the social-political cultural [...] Continue Reading

Thanks to My Father, It Was Better

By Leonard Adame My father, the former professional pugilist, taught me and my brother and sisters how to defend ourselves against anyone. Jabs, left hooks, feints, proper footwork and an [...] Continue Reading

Thoughts from an Arrest Virgin

By Beverly Fitzpatrick Bringing attention to the U.S. military’s use of drone warfare and the suffering of drone “pilots” is, in my opinion, a good reason to be arrested, lose my virgin status and [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – October 2014

Clarification My letter in the August edition responding to our editor’s July editorial seems to have been open to misinterpretation. I’ve been asked if my partial disagreement with his commentary [...] Continue Reading

Obama Goes to War, Again

By Richard Gomez So when is it OK to decide to take arms against the sea of trouble? While we have for a long time sown the seeds that have currently flowered from ally into adversary thus blossoming [...] Continue Reading

It’s Election Time

By Ruth Gadebusch It’s election time, as if you didn’t know! Our phone lines are busy. Our e-mail is jammed full. We are invited to fund-raisers. We are begged to join phone banks. We get pleas to [...] Continue Reading

No Understanding

By Leonard Adame For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. —Romans 15:4 Now these things became [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – September 2014

Commitment to Nonviolence As a Board member of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, I’d like to comment on your August “From the Editor” column. In it, you justified various illegal actions (including [...] Continue Reading

Still Struggling for Equality

By Ruth Gadebusch With the passage of the Amendment XIX to the U.S. Constitution, women and progressive men celebrated with visions of political power. Alas, it was not to be simple. Almost a [...] Continue Reading