Opinion & Analysis

By Month

By Category

Together We Thrive

By Ruth Gadebusch  This month I return to my advocacy for one community working together. What is so difficult about working together? We occupy one small segment of this planet most assuredly [...] Continue Reading

Memoirs of Colonial Trauma

By Ana Pano  The wounds of historical oppression and trauma have affected countless groups throughout time globally. Historical trauma, also known as soul wound and colonial trauma, has been [...] Continue Reading

The Beaver, Tonto and Gibbs

By Leonard Adame  In the mid-1950s, when we finally bought a TV (no remote, three channels), I quickly explored the channels. I found the Mickey Mouse Club (I still love Annette), Lassie (Annette’s [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: Fox Hole

By Tiffany A. Potter  Thus far, in our months together, I have not officially explained what I do in my professional life and only alluded to it, but I will tell you now. I own my own consulting firm. [...] Continue Reading

Can Our Divided Nation Come Together?

 By Ruth Gadebusch A recent issue of our ever thinner daily devoted an almost whole opinion page to the conditions of our society as regards the seemingly “never the twain shall meet.” Coming as it [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: I Love Office Supplies

By Tiffany A. Potter  I always have. And not just “I don’t mind that I have to go to Office Depot today,” but the “I need to find a reason to go to Office Depot today” kind of love. Since as early as [...] Continue Reading

Making Faith Public

By Karen Crozier On Dec. 7, 2014, I, a Protestant Christian Africana educated female, stood in solidarity with my local, national and global sisters and brothers who have advocated for the eradication [...] Continue Reading

Environmentally Speaking

By Ruth Gadebusch Growing up as I did on a Georgia farm, I have always been somewhat aware of the environment, the word not often heard. We were dependent on the weather that all too often seemed to [...] Continue Reading