Opinion & Analysis

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Machiavellian Politicians

By Jonathan Luevanos The political philosophy of liberalism was introduced in the Western world through rational ideas of freedom and equality. Liberals believe that individuals are endowed with [...] Continue Reading

My Take On the Election

By Mike Starry My take on election campaigning so far reminds me my government's attempts to kill me and my friends by inventing a war in Vietnam, a country now receiving our arms. Researching their [...] Continue Reading


  One girl’s journey through conscious living. By Tiffany A. Potter I began my column over a year and a half ago with a promise to myself that I would not hold back or shy away from being as [...] Continue Reading


By Ruth Gadebusch As a long-time advocate for civic education I deplore what these days seems to be disintegrating into government by demonstration. At the same time, I appreciate that all too often [...] Continue Reading


  By Tiffany A. Potter Confession: I am finding it hard not to lose faith in humanity at the moment. I’m not proud of it, and I’m sure it will pass though it sometimes doesn’t feel like it will, [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – July 2016

By Hannah Brandt As you can imagine, I really do not know where to start this month. Last month seems like a world away. The entire Earth seems to have changed in a manner of weeks. Of course, in [...] Continue Reading


  By Ruth Gadebusch It is easy to focus on the negative but it is much healthier to find the good in the community. As the old saying goes “every cloud has its silver lining.” Admittedly, I am [...] Continue Reading


My ex-husband once said to me as we were having a conversation about some big life plan I had at the time and my anxiety surrounding it, “Tiffany, you always get everything you want.” And with the [...] Continue Reading


By Ruth Gadebusch The map may indicate Fresno as one place but for those of us who live in and observe the area we know there are many segments. All too often these different areas, and their sets of [...] Continue Reading