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Equity Now in Redistricting

The redistricting process is well underway for several legislative bodies. At the state level, the independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has held several hearings for input on drawing new [...] Continue Reading

Green Raiteros in Huron

By Peter Maiden Facing a woefully inadequate transportation situation in the town of Huron, now Huron Mayor Rey León founded the San Joaquin Valley Latino Environmental Advancement Project (Valley [...] Continue Reading

Following the Money for the Unhoused

By Bob McCloskey In one of the hottest summers on record, the City of Fresno continues to fail to provide housing for its most vulnerable citizens. As the mayor and City Council members tout their [...] Continue Reading

La Música Cubana y La Guerra Cultural

Por Peter Maiden Durante la Guerra Fría (1945-1990, el término se refiere a las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y sus aliados contra la entonces Unión Soviética), la cultura se militarizó. La fama [...] Continue Reading