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Letter to the Editor

Not Rocket Science The solution to the immigration problem, if we really want to solve it, is not rocket science. If the immigration problem is caused by political and economic oppression in other [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Congressional Paralysis on Immigration The only bipartisan outcome in the U.S. Congress is that the immigration situation, including the bizarre status quo at the border with Mexico, continues to [...] Continue Reading

We Demand Immigration Reform Now

Demanding “Immigration Reform Now” demonstrations were held in Clovis and Bakersfield at the offices of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R–Bakersfield). These rallies were held in support of HR 1511 and [...] Continue Reading

Reunión Comunitaria en Reedley

Detener el odio es el tema de la reunión comunitaria que se llevará a cabo en Reedley el 30 de junio de 2023. El aumento de los delitos e incidentes motivados por el odio va en aumento y este evento [...] Continue Reading