
By Month

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Tearing Down Monuments

By Robin Maria DeLugan Today, as historical monuments become the sites of protest against police violence and racism, new attention is drawn to the role they play in society. A monument that is [...] Continue Reading

Dolores Huerta: Tribute to Greatness

By Sudarshan Kapoor On Oct. 2, Fresno State celebrated the 90th birthday of Dolores Huerta (official birthday April 10 ) by planting a peace tree in her honor in the Peace Garden. Dr. Joseph I. [...] Continue Reading


By Tom Frantz We have suffered the effect of smoke on public health due to the wildfires this summer. It couldn’t be more obvious that serious health impairment comes as a result of breathing the [...] Continue Reading

In Honor of Maria Telesco

(Editor’s note: Richard Stone wrote this article about Maria Telesco for his Credo series in the Community Alliance and then included it in his book Hidden in Plain Sight. We are bringing this article [...] Continue Reading

Chiapas en el Octubre Descolonizador

Por Juan Trujillo Limones Como reacciones de un proceso social descolonizador, las imágenes del derribo de estatuas de conquistadores, líderes coloniales y esclavistas en Chile y Estados Unidos le [...] Continue Reading

Protecting Indoor Air Quality

By Tom Frantz How many residents of the San Joaquin Valley live in homes with swamp coolers that suck in outside air through a water-soaked mat of loose fibers and that require at least one window [...] Continue Reading

Houston, We Have a Problem!

By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji The equation is getting more complex every day. In a normal Presidential election year, the duopoly is focused on presenting their candidates to suit the preferences of the [...] Continue Reading