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Local Agent Provocateurs?

By Julius Stronghold Has We Are Change Fresno been the target of agent provocateurs? There is a reasonable amount of evidence that We Are Change Fresno, a local activist group seeking to spread [...] Continue Reading

It’s Here! It’s Yours! It’s Free!

By Maria Telesco The long-awaited, updated, revised and redacted edition of A Taxpayer’s Guide to the California Death Penalty is so fresh from the printer the ink is barely dry. It’s authored by [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air

By Kevin Hall Editor’s note: Long-time readers will remember Kevin Hall’s column that ran regularly in the Community Alliance for several years as he fought pollution in the San Joaquin Valley as a [...] Continue Reading

A Welcomed Visitor

By Boston Woodard An event that prisoners look forward to in many penitentiaries is a visit from special guest speakers who volunteer to offer advice, guidance, assistance and encouragement. Guest [...] Continue Reading

Norman Solomon in Fresno Aug. 20

The local Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) chapter, the Central Valley–Sierra Progressives, proudly hosts Norman Solomon, candidate for California’s 6th Congressional district, at two special [...] Continue Reading

CREDO: Profiles of Activist Elders

  Lloyd Carter is our “water guy,” our resident expert on the crazy world of Valley (and state) water politics. To spend an hour with Lloyd, as I just did, is to participate in an impassioned [...] Continue Reading