
By Month

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My Hustle Hiatus

By Tiffany A. Potter Here’s what I know as fact: I’ve lost my mind. I am knee deep in launching a global company and I can’t even remember my own phone number. I literally had to take a screen shot [...] Continue Reading

Rite of Passage

On November 30, 2014, I received the rite of baptism at Community United Church of Christ in Fresno, CA. It was my third baptism: the first took place at a Methodist church in Illinois when I was an [...] Continue Reading

Abbot’s Story

By Richard Stone Author’s Note: The following piece is entirely fictional. It is based (in some ways closely) on my direct connection with the mother of a well-publicized real-life murderer, and on [...] Continue Reading

Paper Shredder v. Oprah

By Tiffany A. Potter As I sat down to write this month’s column I had the rough draft sitting in front of me and it was good (I think), it was poignant (I think), it was current and topical; and then [...] Continue Reading

Poets Are Passing From Our Lives

By Jemmy Bluestein I have a present to give the English-speaking world. It’s a virtually unknown poem of the late, great Fresno poet and former U.S. poet laureate Philip Levine. Though there have [...] Continue Reading

Solving 9-11 Ends the War

By Christopher Bollyn America has changed a great deal as a result of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Based on what we were told about these events the nation was taken to war in the Middle [...] Continue Reading