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Fidel and Cuba

By Leni Reeves Avoiding cult of personality has been a concern for the revolutionary government of Cuba.  There are no statues of Fidel, no schools or hospitals named for him. This may possibly change [...] Continue Reading

The Twilight Zone

  By Tiffany A. Potter Two days post-election at the time of writing… For the record, I believed I was done writing about this election last month, but the truth is I’m still reeling. I don’t [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air: Air Quality & Trump

By Tom Frantz The regressive policy proposals of Donald Trump will almost certainly be implemented during his first year in office. These will likely include federal changes weakening low-income [...] Continue Reading

The Hidden War Revisited part 2

 By Richard Stone  "The Hidden War" is the U.S.'s intensive campaign waged in Laos and Cambodia during the Viet Nam War era that was never sanctioned by Congress or acknowledged by the Johnson [...] Continue Reading


    By George B. Kauffman Alex Vavoulis, the founder of free speech radio and a frequent contributor to these pages, needs no introduction to Community Alliance readers (Figure 1.) However, [...] Continue Reading


  By Tiffany A. Potter Well, kids, we made it. We are finally at the finish line of this 16-month race that will produce our next president, and I, for one, am exhausted. I’m exhausted from [...] Continue Reading

The Hidden War Revisited, part 1

 By Richard Stone  "The Hidden War" is the U.S.'s intensive campaign waged in Laos and Cambodia during the Viet Nam War era that was never sanctioned by Congress or acknowledged by the Johnson [...] Continue Reading


The past four weeks have been exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Let me explain. When I was a little girl, every Election Day, my mom would take me with her to our neighborhood polling [...] Continue Reading