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Homelessness After Incarceration

By Boston Woodard On Nov. 5, 2018, I was released from prison after serving 38 continuous years behind bars. Upon my return to freedom, a parole agent drove me to an area of San Jose that was [...] Continue Reading

Homelessness After Incarceration

By Boston Woodard On Nov. 5, 2018, I was released from prison after serving 38 continuous years behind bars. Upon my return to freedom, a parole agent drove me to an area of San Jose that was [...] Continue Reading

Book Preview

By Alex Vavoulis The Terrestrial Gospel of Nikos Kazantzakis: Will the Humans Be Saviors of the Earth, translated and edited by Thanasis Maskaleris, Zorba Press, 2014, Paperback, $20. ISBN-13: [...] Continue Reading

Book Preview

By Alex Vavoulis The Terrestrial Gospel of Nikos Kazantzakis: Will the Humans Be Saviors of the Earth, translated and edited by Thanasis Maskaleris, Zorba Press, 2014, Paperback, $20. ISBN-13: [...] Continue Reading

Finally Free Fresno!

By Boston Woodard My being released from prison story is complicated; I don’t even know where to begin. I was supposed to have been released March 20, 2017. On that date, I was picked up by two [...] Continue Reading