Arts & Culture

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Defending Civil Liberties in Fresno

The American Civil Liberties Union affiliate staff in San Francisco used to joke that they should open an office in Fresno. That never happened, but it sure seems like it did. The affiliate and the [...] Continue Reading

Blake Jones and the Trike Shop

I grew up a big fan of science fiction movies. One of my all-time favorites is a classic from 1951, The Day the Earth Stood Still. If you’ve seen the movie, then you probably remember one of the more [...] Continue Reading

Guanajuato y Áreas Rurales de México

Durante una visita en 2010 a Guanajuato, pude apreciar de nuevo las condiciones de vida en grandes áreas rurales de México. Mucho sigue sin cambiar, como las paredes de adobe que aun dan refugio a la [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Dream What We Can Become and Rejoice Almost 50 years ago in the fields of the Central Valley, a movement formed to bring dignity and collective bargaining to the plight of farmworkers. As the memories [...] Continue Reading

Environmental Racism in West Fresno

For decades, West Fresno residents have endured health and safety hazards created by corporate giant Darling International Inc.’s meat rendering plant. Though sited within yards of West Fresno [...] Continue Reading