Arts & Culture

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Agustin Lira: A Voice for Change

Looking at the world today, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by bad news. Climate change, discrimination, unjust systems and wars riddle the daily news. Although it is important to keep up with these [...] Continue Reading

Agustín Lira, una voz para el cambio

Al mirar el mundo hoy en día, es fácil sentirse abrumado por las malas noticias. El cambio climático, la discriminación, los sistemas injustos y las guerras plagan las noticias diarias. Si bien es [...] Continue Reading

Rogue Festival Returns

By Community Alliance Staff The Rogue Festival, Fresno’s completely uncensored performing arts festival, will return March 4–12. This year’s 20th anniversary festival will present more than 100 [...] Continue Reading

A Mural with Wings of Change

On Feb. 18, a mural was unveiled on the grounds of Stone Soup, a nonprofit organization near Fresno State that is dedicated to serving mainly refugees. Local artist Hana Luna Her, who is in her [...] Continue Reading

A Sonnet for My Friends

My friends, I want to share a word with you. I’ve been around the sun six dozen times and each time taught me lessons that are true. So, listen to my thoughts in words and rhymes. Our [...] Continue Reading

Un Mural Con Alas de Cambio

El sábado 18 de febrero, se develó un mural en el estacionamiento de Stone Soup, una organización no lucrativa dedicada a servir principalmente a refugiados del área de Fresno. La jóven artista [...] Continue Reading

Tell More Black Stories through Film

As we celebrate African-American History Month 2022, let us thank the Black filmmakers who are making films that tell African-American history from different viewpoints. We now have Black directors, [...] Continue Reading