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  • Paulina Deeds Ortiz

    Paulina Deeds Ortiz is a former fellow with the Community Alliance newspaper. She is a Mexican immigrant currently attending Fresno State, working on an anthropology major with a minor in psychology. She spends her free time writing poetry or painting.

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Residentes de Delano se Hacen Cargo

El año pasado, los residentes de Delano intentaron aprobar una ordenanza de control de alquileres más estricta que sería más fácil de implementar a nivel local. El Ayuntamiento no la aprobó. Luego, [...] Continue Reading

The Guillotine of Our Time

On May 6, some of the most influential and wealthy individuals of our country gathered in front of cameras, making their way past protestors and up red carpeted stairs to flaunt their opulence in [...] Continue Reading