WILPF BUSINESS MEETING June 23, Thursday, starting at 7PM at Fresno Center for Nonviolence 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. PEACE CORNER June 3, 4:30 to 6PM at Blackstone and [...] Continue Reading
The Lords of the Rings Lording It Over All
Before I turn to this month’s column, I want to express my amazement at what resulted from publishing my open letter to Rupert Murdoch in the Community Alliance last month. As you may recall, I argued [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar
ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model [...] Continue Reading
Nuclear Power Is in Need of a Three-Strikes Law:
Too Dangerous, Too Inefficient, Too Expensive “It is useless. If we are in hell now, all we can do is crawl toward heaven.”—Heroic Japanese worker Dangers and Inefficiencies If nuclear power was a [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Classrooms, Not Prison Cells By Daniel Treglia I’m inspired to write because of Miriam Hernandez, who wrote “Where’s the Attention to Education” in the May issue of the Community Alliance. Although [...] Continue Reading
Marcha del Primero de Mayo
La Marcha del 1ro de Mayo por una Reforma Migratoria tuvo más de 500 participantes con mucho entusiasmo. Al pesar de números reducidos, se volvió un evento muy distinto de otros años. El tema del [...] Continue Reading
May Day March Focuses on Immigrant Rights
The 2011 May Day March for Immigration Reform drew more than 500 enthusiastic participants. It evolved into an event that was qualitatively different from recent years. The theme of this year’s march [...] Continue Reading
Guanajuato y Áreas Rurales de México
Durante una visita en 2010 a Guanajuato, pude apreciar de nuevo las condiciones de vida en grandes áreas rurales de México. Mucho sigue sin cambiar, como las paredes de adobe que aun dan refugio a la [...] Continue Reading
Some Inconvenient Truths: Nuclear Power in Fresno County?
In Japan, earthquake-born tidal waves engulfed backup safety systems at the Fukushima reactor complex. Half a world away in Madera County, local officials were giving their unanimous support for plans [...] Continue Reading
Obama’s “Shared Sacrifice” Hits the Poor and Middle Class Hardest
Editor’s note: This article is a reprint with permission of an editorial that appeared in the May 2, 2011, issue of The Nation magazine, www.thenation.com. President Obama’s speech unveiling his [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
The progressive movement in Fresno and the Central Valley is growing and attracting more activists all of the time. Just keeping track of all the events is challenging, and attending everything is [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Save Jesse Morrow Mountain I am a member of Friends of Jesse Morrow Mountain and have been for about nine years. The time is getting crucial now because the Fresno County Planning Commission is [...] Continue Reading