Mixed Emotions and Painful Choices By Ruth Gadebusch Without a doubt, Occupy Wall Street, the 99%, our own Courthouse Park campers or whatever the title, have legitimate causes; however, difficulties [...] Continue Reading
The Occupy Movement Comes to Fresno
By Jesse Franz Since its beginning on Sept. 17, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread to more than 100 cities around the country, from New York to California and Seattle to Miami. On Oct. 9, [...] Continue Reading
Peace Fresno Activists in D.C.
By Bev Fitzpatrick, Ed Castro, Nancy Waidtlow and Camille Russell Following 10 years of the immoral, unnecessary war on Afghanistan, four Peace Fresno members went to Washington, D.C., for [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Community Alliance Editor Mike Rhodes took a well-deserved vacation in the weeks leading up to the publication of this month’s issue. In his stead, Michael Evans, a member of the newspaper’s Editorial [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Fire Bombing Police Cars Affects Us All As elders, we have a responsibility to teach as we were taught and to share the knowledge that we learned over the years. Nonviolence is the way to move [...] Continue Reading
What Is the City Trying to Hide by Burying the OIR Report?
By Gerry Bill The ongoing saga of the missing report of Fresno’s Office of Independent Review (OIR) just keeps getting stranger. The latest from the City Manager’s Office is that the report we keep [...] Continue Reading
“Queer Eye…” Column Ending
By Dan Waterhouse I am ending “Queer Eye…” After the Community Alliance printed a front-page story in July about an officer-involved shooting at Belmont and Peach avenues, I began hearing that [...] Continue Reading
The Boundary of Free Speech
By Kaylia Metcalfe Back in August, there was a lot of attention surrounding Florida teacher Jerry Buell, who posted on his Facebook page that the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York made [...] Continue Reading
Jim Hightower in Conversation
By Richard Stone (Author’s note: While in Fresno to speak at the Progressives’ gathering on Oct. 1, Jim Hightower graciously afforded the Community Alliance time to interview him one-on-one. In the [...] Continue Reading
“Strengthening Our Voices” Summit draws 300, provides platform for working together on progressive issues
By Timothy Savage More than 300 people from across the San Joaquin Valley gathered Oct. 1 to listen, to engage, to connect and to get fired up about the most important issues of our day at [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air
Valley Air Board’s InsensitivityBy Kevin Hall According to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, it was an orange flag day on a Thursday afternoon in late September, “unhealthy for [...] Continue Reading
Cuba Prioritizes Health and Education Even in Hard Economic Times
By Gerry Bill Cuba never ceases to amaze me. Here we are in the throes of an international economic crisis affecting every country in the world. Yet, amid that crisis, the Cubans manage to maintain [...] Continue Reading