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WILPF – March 2013

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING March 14, Thursday, 7PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK March 6, first Wednesday of each month at noon [...] Continue Reading

Why They Still Suffer

By Leonard Adame I didn’t like the statues, which to me were real people frozen forever. I wanted to know why they were in pain and crumpled, always looking down at me, the blame in their eyes making [...] Continue Reading

It Ain’t Me, Babe!

By Maria Telesco Cardinal Roger Mahony recently joined historic figures French Army Captain Alfred Dreyfus, American Army Lieutenant William Calley, Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno, attorney Lynne [...] Continue Reading

The Good Fight

By Donald Ray Young Prop 34, the Savings Accountability and Full Enforcement Act, failed by a narrow 52%–48% split. Just enough to expose the execution chamber. But not enough for us to forget the [...] Continue Reading