On Feb. 18, a mural was unveiled on the grounds of Stone Soup, a nonprofit organization near Fresno State that is dedicated to serving mainly refugees.
Local artist Hana Luna Her, who is in her early 20s, painted a colorful mural representing a butterfly with colored textures on its wings. In the background are silhouettes of playing children, more butterflies and our planet earth. The mural is titled “Wings of Change.”
“The mural helped me to grow as an artist and as an individual,” said a smiling Hana. “It also helped me to find love and appreciation for my community and its environment.”
Hana, a Fresno native, started painting at an early age as a graffiti artist and this is her first mural.
“I hope the mural inspires people,” said Hana. “The textures on the butterfly wings represent different cultures sharing our Central Valley.”
May Gnia Her, the executive director of Stone Soup, drew a parallel between the metamorphosis of the butterfly and social metamorphosis—or how some social movements can transform or emerge into a changing stream.
“Ironically, 2022 is the year of the water tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar,” says Her. “It is a year of metamorphosis, and this is what today’s event means to me. It is an opportunity for us to metamorphose and come together to change for the common good. Like the butterfly, that comes after the metamorphosis of a colorless caterpillar into a beautiful insect.”
The unveiling event was streamed due to Covid-19 precautions
As in the mural, many communities were represented at the event. Jerry Her, Hana’s father, played a traditional Hmong instrument, the qeej. Breakdancers BBoyz and Los Danzantes de Yozaltepec—of which Hana is also part of the group—brought their dances and colorful wardrobe.
The mural can be seen at Stone Soup (1345 E. Bulldog Lane).