I Am a Book

I Am a Book
Photo of the inside of the book "Where White Men Fear to Tread: The Autobiography of Russell Means, by Russell Means with Marvin J. Wolf." The photo shows a message to the author of this poem by Russell Means and his autograph, dated October 30, 2001.

A Free Verse Poem by Richard Iyall

I am peace. I am love.

I am the light from high above.

I am the light that shines within.

I am the spark that makes you grin.

I am a book upon on a shelf.

I am a soul; my higher self.

I am the energy that bends and weaves.

I am the human one that cries and grieves.

I am the air that gives you breath.

I have no reason to fear death.

This galaxy is coming to a special place.

Great bursts of energy will emanate throughout the space.

The challenges are great in many ways.

Illumination waits to send its rays.

The time is now to listen to your heart.

So, take a breath and let your new life start.

Expand your love to help our planet thrive.

Archaic thoughts of separation won’t survive.

The pyramids were made by those who know

that Ley line grids accentuate the flow

of photon energy upon the surface of our Earth.

Enjoy the ride and watch the coming birth

of life which often only seems

to be a wish within your nightly dreams.

More chaos and disasters to the Earth will come

including massive flares of radiation from the sun.

It’s up to us to be aware of everything.

The universe expands as one, so why not sing?

Vibration is the key to how things are.

So, go to alpha, delta, theta waves a whole lot more.

Reduce the dissonance of modern ways

to help you through this massive changing maze.

Protect your body and your mind from so much stress.

Technology disturbs the peace that gives you rest.

I am the god of me, and I am free.

I am just here to love and let me be.

There is no need to judge me by my cover.

I am a warrior for truth. I am a lover.


Richard Iyall is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe of Longview, Wash. He has lived in Fresno since 1957. He has written and done photography for the Community Alliance newspaper. Contact him at riyall1@my.scccd.edu.


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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