January 10, Thursday 7PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members.
January 2, first Wednesday of each month at noon at Fresno County Courthouse; come on the month in which your birthday falls! Wear black, bring a sign if you wish, and stand in silence for peace.)
January 23 3PM (4th Wednesday of each month) Jean Hays does outstanding interviews on subjects involving WILPF interests and activities. Let Jean know if you have ideas for a program. Listen!
Also on KFCF 88.1: WILPF member Dr Jean Kennedy, Keeping It Real 9PM every Tuesday
Meetings on selected Mondays at 7PM. Call Ellie at 229-9807 for details.

Despite the rain, the WILPF Peace Community Crafts Faire was a rousing success. Setting up was sweetened by the sounds of Uncle Ephus holding forth on the stage an hour before the Faire even began. And the music never stopped until the tables were all folded and piled, the chairs stacked, the kitchen wiped down and the floors swept. And we didn’t blow one fuse, so we’re learning (after how many, 50? years!) Not to take away from Ingrid’s great job in the kitchen last year, but we were in the hands of a pro again this year as Julie Young kept the supply of hot soups and sweet desserts moving onto the serving table. Our vendors seemed to be doing well, and indeed those I spoke to said they had had a good day. A colorful new addition was the booth full of poinsettias brought by Steve Hentzler and his Fresno City College horticulture students. And the new placement of the silent auction, right across the middle of the Fellowship Hall, seemed to work well. Pat Wolk had her best year yet selling raffle tickets. Helpers were available when needed. Thanks to everyone who helped, donated, or came, shopped, and enjoyed.
The kid’s table clay activity seemed very popular. There’s a bittersweetness in that since the clay idea was inspired by Margaret Hudson. (see next item)
WILPF is grateful to everyone who added to the success of this event. The contributions of our co-conspirators for peace, PeaceFresno and the Fresno Center for Non Violence, and the hospitality of the First Congregational Church cannot go without special mention. Vendors and visitors are invited to email or call Nancy with suggestions for next year, 224 1738 nancywaidtlow@yahoo.com. —Nancy Waidtlow
Margaret Hudson fell at the WILPF Peace Faire just as she was arriving and broke her hip. She had surgery to repair it and is now at Golden Living Center), 3408 E. Shields, just East of First St. on the south side of the street. The phone number is 227-4063, but it is hard for her to hear on the phone. The food is problematical because she is used to eating fresh vegetables and fruit. Don’t overwhelm her, but a small piece of fresh fruit would be nice. She expects to be there at least for a few weeks, receiving rehab therapy. —–Ellie Bluestein
The Fresno Branch of WILPF is very pleased to announce that 8 new members joined up at the Craft Faire. We welcome Laura Anderson, Beverley Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hiatt, Eve Hudson, Patricia Moore, Joy Quigley, Carol Taylor & Peter McDonald. If you have been thinking of joining WILPF, please contact Nora DeWitt, Membership Chair, at 225-1894 or at noradewitt@gmail.com. Also, if you did not have the opportunity to pick up an updated “Directory of Members”, please let Nora know, and we’ll mail one to you.
As you know, Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the northeastern United States, Cuba and Haiti.
As a result we are issuing this emergency appeal and asking for your help. IFCO has established a Hurricane Relief Fund and is collecting donations for construction supplies, tools and food to help in the United States, Cuba and Haiti.
The combined action of winds, rain and flooding resulted in unprecedented damage. Weeks after the storm thousands of families in the New York/New Jersey area were still without power and heat. Many are still without shelter. And many have lost their livelihood.
In Cuba, even there is a legendary crisis mobilization system and people are routinely evacuated, eleven people were killed — an astounding number for Cuba. There was massive destruction to Eastern Cuba. Santiago de Cuba was especially devastated.
In Haiti at least 54 people have died, many are still missing, and thousands have lost temporary shelters set up after the 2010 earthquake. Many lost their cooking utensils, bedding and meager supplies of food. In addition, the on-going fight against the cholera epidemic was made worse by the recent storm.
Here’s what you can do:
In the US we need your help as we partner with local grassroots groups to provide support particularly for low-income individuals who find it difficult to get assistance from FEMA and the Red Cross.
We need your help in Haiti, where a tremendous battle is being waged to contain the cholera epidemic. The doctors working in Haiti tell us the greatest need is for medical supplies for their mobile health clinics.
And we are organizing assistance for Cuba. We are currently collecting donations for the purchase of construction materials, medicines and food to be shipped to Cuba. We are counting on your help to fill a container of supplies that can be sent to Eastern Cuba as soon as possible.
Each of us can contribute to this recovery effort.
We are currently in consultation with our church partners in Cuba and with grassroots organizations working in Haiti. We will continue to work with them to ensure that your donation is used most efficiently and effectively to help the people most affected.
IFCO is prepared to help but we need your help to make these things happen!!
Donations may be sent to: or donate online:
IFCO www.ifconews.org/
145th St
New York, NY 10031