WILPF will meet Thursday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness Ave. The second Thursday meetings are open to all.
ON KFCF 88.1 FM Listener-supported free speech radio for Central California Dec. 26, 3 p.m. (4th Wednesday of each month). Jean Hays
does outstanding interviews on subjects involving WILPF interests and activities. Tune in to 88.1!
Meets monthly. Contact Jean Hays at skyhorse3593@sbcglobal.net for time and place.
Meets monthly. Contact Ann Carruthers at acarruthers@earthlink.net for time and place.
Meetings on selected Mondays at 7 p.m. Call Patty Bennett at 559-999-9709 for details.
$35/year (sliding scale). Contact Evonne Waldo for questions and to join at evonnewaldo@yahoo.com
-WILPF Fresno
-WILPF Fresno Earth Democracy
-WILPF Fresno Library Committee
-Fresno WILPF Cuba Solidarity Committee
The WILPF page is compiled and edited by Leni Villagomez Reeves (lenivreeves@gmail.com) or Patty Bennett.
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom and the Fresno City College Bonsai Club
Saturday, December 1, 2018 • 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Visit Old Friends & Meet New Ones • Find Unique Handmade
Holiday Giftss • Amazing Arts & Creative Crafts • Wonderful
Live Music • Children’s Activities • Delicious Soups, Breads &
Desserts • Raffle Prizes & Silent Auction • Free Admission
Fresno City College–Cafeteria Complex near Weldon
Free Parking
For vendor information, contact Bev at
dfitzpatrick29@comcast.net or 559-355-9717.
Please stop by our WILPF table at the annual Human Rights Day event: The Human Rights of Children on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to noon at Fresno State’s North Gym 118, hosted again by the Human Rights Coalition of the Central Valley. This year, we join in recognizing the 70th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights with the acknowledgment that “we owe our children the best we have to give.”
Thank you to Veterans for Peace–Fresno Chapter for helping us to Reclaim Armistice Day by inviting KPFA’s Mitch Jeserich to speak on Nov. 12!
Photos by Josh Shurley
Although we recently received great news from the Delta Stewardship Council, Governor Jerry Brown is still relentlessly trying to push through his boondoggle legacy project. Speculation of potential backroom deals for the tunnels has popped up in news reporting and cryptic tweets. This is the real legacy that Brown is leaving behind, and we will make sure it is written into history.
Before Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom takes office, he is already at a crossroads. Will he continue in the shadow of Governor Brown and carry out Brown’s tunnel vision? Or will he pave a path toward innovating and implementing sustainable water projects in communities across the state?
Right now, there are three steps you can take to help us point Governor-Elect Newsom in the right direction before he begins his first term as governor. Here’s how you can get involved:Sign our petition, Steps for Governor-Elect Newsom to Modernize CA Water. Link to our petition at https://bit.ly/2qz3b5v.
After you sign your name, please share on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail with friends and family who care about the Bay-Delta.The more signatures, the better chance we have of showing Governor-Elect Newsom that the majority of Californians are against the tunnels project.
Tweet #NoTunnels to Newsom using the hashtag #Advice4Gavin. If you have a Twitter profile, compose a concise, polite tweet that expresses your opposition to the project and states that sustainable projects that are not the tunnels should be one of Newsom’s top priorities during his term.
Make sure you include the hashtag #Advice4Gavin.
Submit your comments to Governor-Elect Newsom and staff via All in California (https://gavinnewsom.com/get_involved). Simply click the link and follow the instructions to submit your comment explaining why Newsom should ditch the tunnels project and create a sustainable, innovative future for California water.
We have less than two months until Newsom takes office. Let’s encourage him to exercise political courage and do the right thing.
Thank you for your continued activism and vigilance.
Yours in Service,
Restore the Delta & Jean Hays, chair of Fresno WILPF’s Earth
Democracy and Legislative committees
Consider a gift this holiday season to the DAKOTA ECOGARDEN
By Nancy Waidtlow.
It’s time to consider making tax-deductible end-of-year donations to nonprofits that are helping our less fortunate citizens.The Dakota Eco-Garden is under the 501(c)(3) Eco Village Project of Fresno.
Money: Send checks to P.O. Box 5124, Fresno, CA 93755. Please put “for DEG” on the memo line, or it will go for the Eco Village Project (also good). Tax ID: 27-4820946. Or for Paypal, visit www.ecovillagefresno.org. Needed for insurance, upkeep and improvements.
We do pinch our pennies.
Big items needed: microwave, computer and a printer for the house, laptops for residents (to keep), jobs for residents (e.g., housework, yard work and landscaping, home care, skilled woodworking).
Gifts for residents: hygiene items such as hair brushes, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, razors, soap and/or body wash; bus 10-ride cards (slight discount off regular price; please lobby City Council to make a better deal for low-income or no-income residents); gas gift cards for our five residents who have vehicles (redeemable near the DEG); staples for the DEG community (e.g., toilet paper; laundry, dishwashing and handwashing soap or detergent; and other cleaning supplies (think earth friendly, we use lots of DR. Bronner’s); dry erase and permanent markers).
Garden: organic fertilizer; diatomaceous earth (food grade—for pest control).
The Dakota EcoGarden, A Green Solution to Homelessness, is a transitional housing facility at 2231 W. Dakota Ave. in Fresno. See Facebook page: Dakota EcoGarden or www.ecovillagefresno.org. If someone is in need, call Nancy at 559-224-1738 or e-mail nancywaidtlow@gmail.com for an update. Also, call if you’d like to visit.

The Jane Addams Children’s Book Award books were donated to the Gillis and West Fresno libraries with peace dove crafts and songs of peace for the children. Look for our contributions to the Peace Crafts Faire Silent Auction!